5 Top Things Not to Do When Doing a Listing Presentation

listing presentations Nov 22, 2023

A listing presentation is your chance to make a great first impression on potential clients and show them why you're the best agent to sell their home. But it's also easy to make mistakes that could cost you the listing. 

Sarah is a new real estate agent and is eager to prove herself. She had been working hard to build her network and generate leads, and she was finally rewarded with a listing presentation for a beautiful four-bedroom home in a desirable neighborhood.

Sarah spent weeks preparing for her presentation. She studied the local market data, analyzed comparable sales, and developed a comprehensive marketing plan. She also practiced her presentation in front of the mirror, with her mentor, her family, and other colleagues. She really practiced!

On the day of the presentation, Sarah arrived at the home early to set up. She had prepared a professional presentation binder with all of her materials, including a market analysis, pricing strategy, and marketing plan. She...

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