How Crappy Listing Agents are Costing Homeowners Millions

5-star listing agent Nov 27, 2023

Selling your home is a big decision, and it's important to be a listing agent who will help their seller get the best possible price for their home.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of crappy listing agents out there who are more interested in making a quick buck than in helping their clients. These agents can cost homeowners millions of dollars in lost equity. 

As I meet listing and buyer agents all the time, I came across this interesting story recently. Susan is a successful buyer's agent. She's known for her expertise in the local market, her strong negotiating skills, and her commitment to her clients. One day, she met a new listing agent named Jerry. Jerry is inexperienced and unprofessional. He's also arrogant and dismissive.

As Susan and Jerry worked on a deal for a beautiful home in a desirable neighborhood, things got more and more complicated. Susan's clients were pre-approved for a mortgage and were eager to buy the home. However, Jerry made the deal difficult at...

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