How to Not Lose a Seller Client

seller maintenance Oct 31, 2023

Seller clients are the lifeblood of any real estate business. Without them, you wouldn't have any listings to sell.

That's why it's so important to do everything you can to keep them happy and engaged throughout the sales process.

I was speaking with a realtor last week who contacted me about Y-LAS because a seller recently fired them. They were really upset as they have four children and every listing counts. I assured this realtor that losing listings is unfortunately a common mistake that many real estate agents make, but it's one that can be easily avoided.

Here are some possible reasons why your seller may have felt that you weren't communicating well enough:

  • You weren't responding to their calls or emails promptly.
  • You weren't keeping them updated on the status of their listing or the showings that were happening.
  • You weren't providing them with enough feedback on the showings that were happening.
  • You weren't explaining the process of selling a home to them in a clear and concise way.
  • You weren't being proactive and reaching out to them regularly.

It's important to remember that your sellers are trusting you with one of their most valuable assets, so it's essential that you communicate with them effectively at every stage of the selling process.

Here are a few tips on how to not lose a seller client:

  1. Be honest and upfront with them from the start.

This means setting realistic expectations about how long it will take to sell their home, what price they can expect to get, and what the sales process will entail. It also means being honest about any potential challenges or setbacks that could occur along the way.

  1. Be responsive and communicate regularly.

Seller clients want to know that you're working hard to sell their home. That means responding to their calls, texts, and emails promptly and keeping them updated on your progress. It also means being available to answer any questions or concerns they may have. Y-LAS has been created just for this reason - to keep in contact with your seller on your behalf - sharing every day with your seller a new marketing step that has been taken (and Y-LAS does all the work!). 

  1. Be proactive and take initiative.

Don't wait for your seller clients to come to you with problems or questions. Be proactive and reach out to them regularly to see how things are going and to offer your assistance. This shows them that you're on top of things and that you're truly invested in helping them sell their home.

  1. Be a good negotiator.

Once you have an offer on your seller client's home, it's important to be a good negotiator on their behalf. This means working to get them the best possible price and terms. It also means being honest and transparent with them about the negotiation process.

  1. Go the extra mile.

What can you do to go above and beyond for your seller clients? Maybe it's helping them to stage their home, or helping them to move out. Maybe it's simply being there to offer support and encouragement. Whatever it is, going the extra mile will show your seller clients that you truly care about them and their needs.

By following these tips, you can minimize your chances of losing a seller client. And when you do a good job for your seller clients, they're more likely to refer you to their friends and family, which can help you to grow your business.

Here are a few additional tips that may help you to keep your seller clients happy:

  • Get to know your seller clients and their individual needs. What are their goals for the sale of their home? What are their time constraints? What are their financial concerns? The more you know about your seller clients, the better equipped you will be to serve them.
  • Be prepared to answer your seller clients' questions about the market. What are the current trends in home prices? How long do homes take to sell? What are the most common challenges that sellers face? Being knowledgeable about the market will help you position yourself as an expert and build trust with your seller clients.
  • Be organized and efficient. Seller clients appreciate it when their real estate agent is organized and efficient. This means keeping them updated on their listing, keeping track of deadlines, and responding to their questions promptly.
  • Be positive and enthusiastic. Selling a home can be a stressful experience for sellers. Be a positive and enthusiastic force in their lives. Show them that you're excited to help them sell their home and move on to the next chapter in their lives.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of keeping your seller clients happy and engaged throughout the sales process.



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