7 Fastest Ways to Get Listings in 2024

If you're a real estate agent, getting listings is essential to your success. 

One of my clients, Brad, is a listing agent like no other. He has a knack for getting listings quickly, even in the most competitive markets. His clients love him and his competitors are both baffled and envious.

What is Brad's secret? It is a combination of things. First, he is incredibly knowledgeable about the local real estate market. He knows what buyers are looking for, and he knows how to price his listings accordingly.

Second, Brad is a master marketer. He has been using Y-LAS for his listings for years and they market his listings for him, which frees his time to get more listings. 

Third, Brad is a skilled negotiator. He knows how to get his clients the best possible price for their homes. He is also able to close deals quickly and efficiently.

But Brad's greatest asset is his people skills. He is able to connect with his clients on a personal level and build trust with them. He also understands their needs and concerns, and he is always there to support them throughout the selling process.

One day, Brad received a call from a new client, Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson was in a hurry to sell his home, but he was worried that it would take months to find a buyer. Brad assured Mr. Anderson that he would get his home sold quickly, and he backed up his promise sharing with him the Y-LAS program. 

Immediately, through the Y-LAS program, he launched a comprehensive marketing campaign to reach potential buyers. Within a few days, Brad had several scheduled showings.

Over the next week, Brad received several offers, which he carefully negotiated, and was able to get Mr. Anderson a top-dollar price for his home.

Of course, Mr. Anderson was thrilled with Brad's services. He was amazed at how quickly he had been able to sell his home. He also appreciated his professionalism, his knowledge, and his people skills.

Brad continued to get listings quickly and efficiently, using Y-LAS for every one of them. Brad is passionate about his work and loves helping his clients achieve their real estate goals.

Do you want more listings? In a competitive market, it can be tough to stand out from the crowd. Here are seven of the fastest ways to get listings in 2024:

  1. Build relationships with sellers.

One of the best ways to get listings is to build relationships with sellers before they put their homes on the market. This means getting to know them and their needs and providing them with valuable information about the market. You can do this by attending community events, networking with other professionals, and sending out regular newsletters.

  1. Offer a free CMA.

A CMA, or comparative market analysis, is a report that shows sellers the value of their home based on recent sales in their area. Offering a free CMA is a great way to show sellers that you're knowledgeable about the market and that you're serious about helping them sell their home.

  1. Market your expertise.

Let potential sellers know what makes you the best agent to represent them. Do you have a proven track record of success? Do you specialize in a particular type of property or area? Do you offer any unique services? Make sure your website and marketing materials highlight your strengths.

  1. Use technology to your advantage.

There are a number of technology tools that can help you get listings faster. For example, you can use social media to connect with potential sellers and promote your services. You can also use lead generation tools to find sellers who are actively looking for an agent.

  1. Partner with other agents.

If you know other agents who are successful in getting listings, consider partnering with them. This can give you access to a wider network of potential sellers and help you close more deals.

  1. Provide excellent customer service.

Sellers want to work with an agent who they trust and who will go the extra mile for them. Providing excellent customer service is essential to winning listings and building a successful real estate business.

  1.   Use Y-LAS | Your Listing Advantage System. 

Y-LAS is a powerful listing program for any agent who has listings and is looking for help with marketing and seller communication. It provides a daily email to the seller that details a new marketing step that has been taken to market their home. Y-LAS also easily prepares the seller for a price improvement (the major reason a property does not sell). 

Here are some additional tips for getting listings in 2024:

  • Be responsive and timely. When sellers contact you, be sure to respond promptly and answer their questions thoroughly.
  • Be transparent and honest. Sellers appreciate agents who are upfront and honest about the selling process and their expectations.
  • Be proactive. Don't wait for sellers to come to you. Reach out to potential sellers and let them know how you can help them sell their home.
  • Be persistent. Don't give up if you don't get a listing right away. Keep following up with potential sellers and building relationships with them.

Getting listings takes time and effort, but it's essential to building a successful real estate business. By following the tips above, you can increase your chances of getting listings faster in 2024 and beyond.


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